
行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 108 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 財務報表 Financial Statements 財務狀況表 於 2024 年 3 月 31 日 載於第 107 頁至第 132 頁的財務報表於 2024 年 7 月 25 日獲物業管理業監管局通 過及授權發表,並由以下代表簽署: STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AT 31ST MARCH 2024 2024 2023 附註 港元 港元 Note HK$ HK$ 非流動資產 NON-CURRENT ASSETS 物業及設備 Property and equipment 6 2,161,065 2,674,075 使用權資產 Right-of-use assets 7 1,924,636 6,048,858 4,085,701 8,722,933 流動資產 CURRENT ASSETS 按金及預付款項 Deposits and prepayments 8 2,896,281 3,382,599 應收賬款及其他應收款 Accounts and other receivables 9 3,879,453 9,451,842 超過三個月到期之 銀行存款 Bank deposits with maturity over 3 months 73,705,000 61,000,000 銀行結存及現金 Bank balances and cash 128,575,135 144,480,571 209,055,869 218,315,012 流動負債 CURRENT LIABILITIES 應付賬款及應計項目 Accounts payables and accruals 10 6,292,073 6,030,763 暫收款項 Temporary receipts 11 123,270,297 139,051,058 租賃負債 Lease liabilities 12 1,943,794 4,154,650 遞延收入 Deferred income 13 32,976,445 26,724,871 政府貸款 Government loan 14 4,400,000 4,400,000 168,882,609 180,361,342 流動資產淨值 NET CURRENT ASSETS 40,173,260 37,953,670 總資產減流動負債 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 44,258,961 46,676,603 非流動負債 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 租賃負債 Lease liabilities 12 – 1,943,794 政府貸款 Government loan 14 13,200,000 17,600,000 13,200,000 19,543,794 淨資產 NET ASSETS 31,058,961 27,132,809 儲備 RESERVE 累積盈餘 Accumulated surplus 31,058,961 27,132,809 The financial statements on pages 107 to 132 were approved and authorised for issue by the PMSA on 25 th July 2024 and are signed on its behalf by: Dr James WONG Kong-tin, BBS, JP Professor Eddie HUI Chi-man, MH, JP Chairperson Vice-chairperson 黃江天博士,銅紫荊星章,太平紳士 許智文教授,榮譽勳章,太平紳士 主席 副主席