
11 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 重要里程碑 Major Milestones 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 11.2023 與消防處合辦「物管同救心」 行動,鼓勵物管業履行社會 責任,於物業安裝自動心臟 除顫器及當有意外事故時出 手救人。 Carried out “Joint PM Heart- saving” operat ion wi th the Fire Services Department to encourage the PM industry to uphold social responsibility by installing automated external defibrillator in properties and rescue people when there is emergency. 兩名員工獲頒發 「申訴專員嘉許獎 2023 -公職人員 獎」。 Two staff members were awarded the Om b u d s m a n ’ s Awards 2023 for Officers of Publ ic Organisations. 刊憲發出《物業管理公司於《建築 物管理條例》下的責任》操守守則。 Gazetted and issued “Obligations of Property Management Company under the Building Management Ordinance” Code of Conduct. 英國屋宇裝備工程師學會 香港分會獲認可成為監管 局認可專業團體。 The Chartered Inst i tut ion of Bui lding Services Engineers Hong Kong Region was recognised as one of the PMSA Recognised Professional Bodies.