
13 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 重要里程碑 Major Milestones 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 聯同廉政公署推出《物業管理公司 防貪指南》。 Jointly launched the “Corruption Prevent ion Guide for Property Management Companies” with the Independent Commission Against Corruption. 率 領 物 管 業 界 代 表 參 與 香 港 科 技 園「Robots Everywhere」展示日,支持物管業界廣泛應用創新 科技包括機械人技術。 Led the PM industry to participate in Hong Kong Science Park’s “Robots Everywhere” showcase day to encourage wider adoption of innovative technologies including robotics. 聯同環境保護署以不同方式推動物管業界協 助其物業業戶建立「減廢回收」文化,包括 推出專題網站、舉行多場可持續發展講座及 製作相關培訓資料和短片。 Co l l aborated wi th the Env i ronmenta l Protection Department to drive the PM i ndust ry to foster a cu l ture of waste reduction and recovery among occupants of their properties by launching a dedicated website, organising CPD seminars and producing related training materials and videos. 11.2023 - 3.2024 2.2024