
133 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 服務優質 Q uality 與時並進 A dvancement 行事持正 I ntegrity 2023-24 周年報告 Annual Report 抱 擁 物 管 新 世 代 三 年 過 渡 期 完 結 E m b r a c i n g t h e N e w E r a f o r P r o p e r t y M a n a g e m e n t E n d i n g o f t h e T h r e e - Y e a r T r a n s i t i o n a l P e r i o d PMSA 2023 -24 物業管理業監管局 2023 - 2024 周年報告 設計概念 Design Concept 物業管理業有如萬花筒般多元化涉及不同範疇並千變萬化,而萬 花筒內促使圖案變化的三稜鏡代表監管局「發牌規管」、「制訂守 則」和「鼓勵持續進修」三管齊下,推動香港物管業朝優質化專業 化發展,百花齊放,一同抱擁物管新世代。 The property management industry is like a kaleidoscope, diverse, involving different fields and ever-changing. The prism that drives the changes of the pattern in the kaleidoscope represents the PMSA promoting the industry to move forward towards enhanced quality and professionalism through the three-pronged approach of “regulating by licensing”, “setting prof ess i ona l s tandards ” and “encourag i ng cont i nuous learning”, embracing together the new era of PM. 七大類別訂明物業管理服務 Seven Categories of Prescribed Property Management Services 物業的一般管理服務 General management services relating to a property 關乎物業的設施管理 Facility management relating to a property 物業的維修、保養及改善 Repair, maintenance and improvement of a property 關乎物業管理的法律服務 Legal services relating to the management of a property 物業所處環境的管理 Management of the environment of a property 關乎物業管理所涉的人員的 人力資源管理 Human resources management relating to personnel involved in the management of a property 關乎物業的財務及資產管理 Finance and asset management relating to a property