
16 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 凝聚力量,實現安居樂業願景 截至 2024 年 3 月 31 日,在物管新世代 下,全港已有逾 770 間持牌物管公司,以 及超過 14,000 名物管從業員領牌,為不 同類型的物業內超過 240 萬個單位提供物 管服務。這支龐大的專業團隊與市民大眾 的日常生活息息相關,是推動香港社會未 來健康持續發展的重要資產、寶貴資源。 過渡期完結後,監管局於 2023-24 年度的 主要工作目標亦由過渡期完結前以推動物 管公司及從業員盡早申領牌照,以及加緊 處理發牌事宜以確保發牌制度順利過渡, 逐步轉向以加強與不同持份者協作,凝聚 各方力量,推動這支龐大的專業團隊秉持 「服務優質」、「行事持正」及「與時並進」 三大核心價值,為市民大眾安居樂業作出 積極貢獻。 三管齊下提升業界專業水平地位 「千里之行,始於足下」。發牌制度過渡 期完結後,為推動整體物管行業於新世代 下朝優質化專業化向前邁進,監管局除了 透過發牌規管業界提供物管服務外,亦繼 續就不同物管範疇制定操守守則及良好作 業指南,為業界運作提供合適到位的實務 指引。此外,監管局於 2024 年 1 月 1 日起 亦開始分階段向兩個級別的物管人牌照持 有人強制實施「持續專業發展計劃」,進 一步推動行業培養持續進修的文化,鼓勵 物管從業員更新知識及提升技能,與時並 進,應對物管業不斷面對的新挑戰。 Collaborating together to realize vision of working and living in harmony As of 31 March 2024 under the new era for PM, over 770 PM companies and more than 14,000 PM practitioners in Hong Kong had been licensed, providing PM services to over 2.4 million units in different types of properties in Hong Kong. They are a major professional force which is an integral part of our daily life as well as invaluable asset and resource in driving the healthy and sustainable future development of Hong Kong. Following the ending of the transitional period, the PMSA’s work priorities for 2023-24 had gradually migrated from the stage of driving PM companies and practitioners to apply for licence soonest possible and processing licensing matters efficiently to ensure a smooth transition of the licensing regime to the stage of strengthening the collaboration with different stakeholders, and driving this major professional force to contribute positively for the public to work and live in harmony, through encompassing the three core values of “Qual ity”, “Integrity” and “Advancement”. Enhancing industry’s professional standards and status through three-pronged approach A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. After the ending of the transitional period of the licensing regime, in order to drive the overall PM industry to advance towards enhanced qual ity and professional ism under the new era, in addition to regulating the industry’s PM service provision through the licensing regime, the PMSA has also continued to formulate Codes of Conduct and relevant Best Practice Guides on various aspects of PM work in order to provide appropriate and relevant practical guidance for the industry. Furthermore, since 1 January 2024, the PMSA has implemented the CPD Scheme on mandatory basis in phases for the two tiers of PM Practitioner licence holders in order to drive the industry to cultivate a continuous learning culture, encouraging PM practitioners to acquire new knowledge and skills for advancing with times and meeting the new challenges of the industry.