
17 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 推動邁向可持續發展 近年世界各地均重視推動可持續發展,並 倡議共同努力,建造共融及可持續的未 來。監管局作為香港物管業界的法定監管 機構,會致力推動業界廣泛善用先進科 技、保護環境、履行社會責任和推行良好 企業管治。不論是推動業界秉持專業操守 及誠信、提升物管服務水平、提醒物管從 業員時刻注意工作安全,或是鼓勵加強物 業樓宇維修保養,以至鼓勵物管公司積極 配合政府施政,為市民提供更優質到位物 管服務等,監管局均會竭盡所能,守正創 新,與各持份者攜手合作,進一步提升香 港物管業的專業地位和服務水平,推動物 管業持續健康發展。 Promoting Sustainable Development Sustainable development is highly regarded around the globe in recent years and working together to build an inclusive and sustainable future is widely advocated. As the statutory authority for the PM industry in Hong Kong, the PMSA will dedicate itself towards driving the industry to safeguard the environment, fulfil social responsibility and implement good corporate governance, together with intensive use of advanced technology. Whether it is promoting integrity to enhance PM service standard, reminding PM practitioners to always pay attention to work safety, strengthening building repair and maintenance work, or encouraging PM companies to actively support Government pol icies for providing the publ ic with better quality PM services, the PMSA will strive to collaborate with different stakeholders for enhancing the professional status and service standard of the industry in Hong Kong, and driving its healthy and sustainable development.