
18 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 物管業發牌制度得以順利落實過渡,實有 賴社會各界同心協力配合,以實際行動展 示對物管業未來持續健康發展的信心及積 極支持。監管局對各持份者包括物管業界 及業主組織深表謝意,我亦藉此機會代表 監管局向一直支持和協助監管局履行法定 職能的政府部門和公營機構,以及承辦監 管局「指明課程」的大專院校,衷心致謝。 The smooth transition of the PM industry licensing regime attributes to the concerted efforts of different sectors of the community which have shown confidence and provided active support for the sustainable development of the industry through pract ical act ions. The PMSA is grateful for the support of the stakeholders including the PM industry and owners’ organisations. On behalf of the PMSA, I would also wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to the Government departments and public organisations which have provided cont inuous support and assistance to the PMSA in the exercising of its statutory duties, as well as to the tertiary institutions for the provision of the PMSA Specified Courses.