
19 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 「志之所趨,無遠弗屆,窮山距海,不能 限也」。展望未來,監管局工作任重道 遠,會繼續肩負起牽頭和帶動的重任,積 極採納多元渠道,向不同持份者廣泛推廣 監管局的工作及發牌制度,適時發佈最新 資訊,加強與各界交流溝通,集思廣益。 除與物管業界、業主組織、政府部門及公 營機構保持緊密聯繫外,亦會繼續加強與 內地及國際業界團體交流,共同促進粵港 澳大灣區物管業的協作融合,並與國際發 展接軌,為香港物管業界抓緊發展機遇, 開拓更多市場發展空間,讓更多市民可獲 得以誠信為本、優質專業的物管服務。 黃江天博士,銅紫荊星章,太平紳士 主席 Looking ahead, the PMSA will carry the immense responsibility as i t cont inues to take the act ive lead through var ious channels to widely promote its work and explain the licensing regime to di f ferent stakeholders by t imely disseminat ing information, strengthening communication and exchange as well as taking on board the views from different sectors of the community. In addition to closely liaising with the PM industry, owners’ organisations, Government departments and public organisations, the PMSA will also continue to strengthen ties with the PM industry in the Mainland and overseas so as to promote together the collaboration and integration of the PM industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as well as to align with the international community, thereby seizing development opportunities and creating more room for expansion of the PM industry in Hong Kong such that professional and quality PM services can be provided with integrity to a wider community. Dr James WONG Kong-tin, BBS, JP Chairperson