
21 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 物管業發牌制度下的三年過渡期已於 2023 年 7 月 31 日順利完結,而監管局推 動業界向前健康發展的工作在過渡期完結 後一直持續進行,並透過「發牌規管」、 「制定專業標準」及「鼓勵持續進修」三管 齊下,致力進一步提升物管行業的專業地 位和服務水平,推動業界為市民提供更優 質的物管服務。 發牌規管 經過一連串多元緊密的宣傳推廣工作,包 括邀請物管人牌照持有人現身說法介紹發 牌制度、推出標籤計劃以助公眾識別持牌 物管公司、透過電視電台播放宣傳短片聲 帶呼籲市民關注所聘用的物管公司是否持 牌等,各為有公契物業提供多於一個類別 訂明物管服務的物管公司,以及在持牌物 管公司就提供物管服務擔任管理監督角色 的物管從業員,在 2023 年 8 月 1 日均已根 據《物管條例》規定持牌,帶動香港踏入 全新物管世代。 The three-year transitional period under the PM industry l icensing regime ended smoothly on 31 July 2023. The PMSA has continued to promote the healthy development of the industry following the ending of the transitional period and strived to further enhance the professional status and service standard of the industry for providing better quality services to the public through the three-pronged approach of “Regulating by Licensing”, “Setting Professional Standards” and “Encouraging Continuous Learning”. Regulating by Licensing After a series of diversified and intensive promotional activities, which include engaging PM Practitioner licence holders to help introduce the licensing regime through their ownselves, launching the st icker scheme to help the publ ic ident i fy licensed PM companies, appealing for the public to verify as to whether their PM company is licensed through broadcasting announcements in the public interest via various television channels and radio stations in Hong Kong, etc., PM companies in the territory providing more than one category of prescribed PM services to properties subject to DMC and PM practitioners assuming managerial or supervisory role in providing PM services in licensed PM companies have been licensed as at 1 August 2023 in accordance with the requirement under the PMSO, thereby driving the development of a new era of PM for Hong Kong.