
22 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 監管局的發牌工作在過渡期完結後持續進 行,除處理物管從業員及物管公司提交的 新牌照申請外,亦開始審批物管從業員及 物管公司的牌照續期申請。截至 2024 年 3 月 31 日,監管局共發出逾 770 個物管公司 牌照及超過 17,900 個物管人牌照。扣除 持有臨時物管人牌照但已獲發正式物管人 牌照的數字及個別從業員持有多於一個級 別的牌照後,持牌物管從業員的實際數目 超過 14,000 人。 此外,由於發牌制度過渡期完結後不再接 受臨時牌照申請,監管局除針對性地向現 有臨時牌照持有人定期發出通知,公布 各院校開辦監管局「指明課程」的最新情 況並呼籲其盡早報讀外,亦同時派出外 展隊伍前往各院校協助修讀監管局「指明 課程」的臨時牌照持有人盡早申領正式牌 照,以避免其錯過報讀「指明課程」的機 會或未能在其臨時牌照有效期內順利申領 正式牌照。 監管局於發牌制度過渡期完結後亦開始進 行合規巡查,在 2023-24 年度已合共巡查 超過 350 個物業,涉及 190 多間持牌物管 公司。有關巡查涵蓋位於港島、九龍及 新界不同類別(包括住宅、商場、商業大 廈、工廠大廈等)的物業,並由規模大小 不同的物管公司管理。巡查結果顯示有關 物管公司大致上已按相關法規行事,而監 管局亦已向個別未符合有關要求的物管公 司發信,要求其作出更正改善,以符合法 規要求。 The PMSA’s licensing work continues following the ending of the transitional period. In addition to processing new licence applications submitted by PM practitioners and PM companies, the vetting of licence renewal applications of PM practitioners and PM companies has also begun. As of 31 March 2024, the PMSA has issued over 770 PM Company l icences and more than 17,900 PM Practitioner l icences. Discounting those who have provisional PM Practitioner licence and thereafter obtained formal PM Practitioner licence as well as those who hold more than one class of licence, the actual number of licensed PM practitioners exceeds 14,000. In addition, as provisional licence applications are no longer accepted after the ending of the transitional period under the licensing regime, in addition to issuing notices to provisional licence holders regularly to set out the latest situation of the PMSA Specified Courses offered by different institutions and appeal for them to enroll soonest possible, the PMSA has also deployed outreach teams to various institutions to assist provisional licence holders who are taking the courses to apply for formal licence soonest possible, so that they would not miss the opportunity to enroll in Specified Courses or failing to apply for formal licence within the validity period of their provisional licences. The PMSA has also begun conducting inspections following the ending of the transitional period. In 2023-24, over 350 properties involving more than 190 licensed PM companies were inspected. These inspections covered different types of properties (including residential properties, shopping malls, commercial and industrial buildings, etc.) on the Hong Kong Island, in Kowloon and the New Territories managed by PM companies of varying scale. The inspection results indicated that the concerned PM companies had largely complied with the relevant regulations. The PMSA had also issued letters in a few individual cases of non-compliance to ask the PM companies concerned to make rectification and improvement in order to comply with the law.