
23 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 制定專業標準 監管局於 2023-24 年度亦就不同範疇的物 管工作為業界制定了共 7 份操守守則及相 關良好作業指南,包括《處理分判物業管 理服務》、《防止貪污事宜-員工聘用及 管理》、《宣傳品的派發與展示》、《樹木 管理工作》、《物業管理公司於《建築物條 例》下的責任》、《處理物業建築工程》及 《處理委任代表的文書》,為物管業界提供 實務指引,亦為物管服務制定合理標準。 為增強持牌人及公眾對監管局發出的操守 守則及良好作業指南的認識及理解,並對 提供物管服務建立合理公眾期望,監管局 亦以輕鬆貼地的手法拍攝了一系列處境式 短片,並邀請監管局主席現身說法,以物 管從業員提供物管服務時面對的各種情況 作為例子,解釋不同操守守則及良好作業 指南的內容,以加強宣傳成效。 鼓勵持續進修 繼在 2022 年初推出自願參與的「持續專業 發展計劃」後,監管局於 2023-24 年度公 布會由 2023 年 8 月 1 日起在所有新簽發及 續期的物管人牌照施加條件,分階段向兩 個級別的持牌物管人強制實施「持續專業 發展計劃」,並就實施計劃展開各項準備 部署工作,包括與不同政府部門、公營機 構及行業團體合作舉辦涵蓋不同範疇的持 續專業發展實體及網上講座、預先認可由 監管局認可專業團體及指定物管業界組織 舉辦的培訓活動╱課程、上載獲認可的 活動╱課程短片至監管局網站供業界人 士瀏覽收看等,以確保市場上的認可活 動╱課程供應充足,為持牌物管人參與 持續進修提供更多不同選擇。 Setting Professional Standards In 2023-24, the PMSA has promulgated 7 Codes of Conduct and respect ive Best Pract ice Guides regarding var ious aspects of PM work, including Handling Outsourced Property Management Services, Prevent ion of Corrupt ion – Staf f Recruitment and Management, Distribution and Display of Promotional Material, Tree Management Work, Obl igations of Proper ty Management Company under the Bui lding Management Ordinance, Handling Building Works as well as Handling Instrument of Appointing a Proxy in order to provide practical guidance to the PM industry and set out reasonable standards for the provision of PM services. To enhance the understanding of the l icensees and the community in respect of the Codes and Guides issued by the PMSA and bui ld up reasonable publ ic expectat ions for PM service provision, the PMSA has also produced a series of l ighthearted si tuat ional videos for the purpose. The PMSA Chairperson was invited to explain the contents of different Codes and Guides in the videos by featuring in various possible scenarios that can be encountered by PM practitioners when providing PM services as illustration to strengthen the promotion effect. Encouraging Continuous Learning After rolling out the CPD Scheme on voluntary participation basis in 2022, the PMSA announced in 2023-24 that as from 1 August 2023 onwards, conditions would be imposed in al l newly issued and renewed PM Practitioner l icences requiring mandatory CPD Scheme participation which would be implemented in stages for the two classes of licensed PM practitioners. The PMSA has also carried out preparatory work for the implementation of the CPD Scheme, including joint ly organising CPD seminars and webinars cover ing diverse topics with different Government departments, public bodies and industry organisations, recognising in advance training activities/courses provided by the PMSA Recognised Professional Bodies and speci f ied PM indust ry bodies, uploading videos of recognised activities/courses onto the PMSA website for viewing by industry members, etc., so as to ensure that there will be adequate recognised activities/ courses in the market and that licensed PM practitioners are provided with choices for continuous learning.