
27 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 主要職能 Principal Functions 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 監管局是根據《物管條例》成立的法定機 構,肩負規管在香港提供物管服務的公司 及從業員和推動業界專業化發展的責任。 作為物管業的法定監管機構,監管局透過 制定及執行一套專為香港物管業而設的發 牌規管制度及相應配套措施,鼓勵和協助 物管業及其從業員朝優質化專業化發展, 為市民提供更優質的物管服務。 就履行職責而言,監管局恪守良好的機構 管治標準,以求符合公眾及持份者的期 望。《物管條例》對監管局的運作訂明規 管條文,監管局均加以遵循,致力提升機 構的管治成效,並採納適當原則,包括適 用於一般公共機構的監控機制、行為守則 及機構管治安排,以執行監管局工作。 監管局履行以下於《物管條例》內所訂明 的職能,監督轄下行政辦事處的工作,以 及核准所有重大決定。 • 透過發牌予物管公司及物管人,就 提供物管服務作出規管; • 推動物管業行事持正,並提高其專 業能力和水平;及 • 維持和提升物管業的專業地位。 The PMSA is the statutory body establ ished under the PMSO, and is tasked to regulate the prov ision of PM services by companies and practitioners in Hong Kong, and to promote the professional development of the industry. As the statutory regulatory body for the industry, the PMSA encourages and assists the industry and its practitioners to strive for enhancement in quality and professionalism through formulating and implementing a licensing regime and other complementary measures which tie in with the situation in Hong Kong, with a view to providing quality PM services to the community. The PMSA is committed to adopting a high standard of corporate governance in carrying out its work so as to meet the expectations of the public and its stakeholders. It works in accordance with the PMSO which sets out the regulatory provisions on i ts operat ion, and endeavours to enhance the effectiveness of its governance by adopting appropriate pr inciples, including the adopt ion of var ious moni tor ing mechanisms, codes of conduct and corporate governance arrangements applicable to public bodies, in carrying out its work. The PMSA executes the functions below as stipulated in the PMSO. It oversees the work of its Executive Office and approves all major decisions. • To regulate and control the provision of PM services by the licensing of PM companies and PM practitioners; • To promote the integrity, competence and professionalism of the PM industry; and • To maintain and enhance the professional status of the PM industry. 主要職能 Principal Functions