
37 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 成員 Members 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 譚國榮先生 ,榮譽勳章 Mr Ivan TAM Kwok-wing , MH 其士國際集團有限公司副董事總經理 Deputy Managing Director, Chevalier International Holdings Limited • 香港保險業聯會主席 • 選舉委員會委員 • 香港物業管理公司協會前會長及理事 • 香港公司治理公會(前香港特許秘書公 會)前會長 • Chairman, The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers • Member, Election Committee • Past President and Counci l Member, The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies • Pa s t P r e s i d e n t , T h e Ho n g Ko n g Chartered Governance Institute (formerly known as The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries) 黃栢欣女士 Ms Annie WONG Pak-yan 律師 Solicitor • 交通審裁處輪值主席 • 旅遊業監管局成員 • 香港律師會審查及紀律常務委員會成員 • 香港律師會審批委員會委員 • 中國委託公証人協會有限公司「紀律審裁 團」成員 • 博彩及獎券事務委員會成員 • Chairman, Transport Tribunal (on rotation basis) • Member, Travel Industry Authority • Membe r , S t and i ng Commi t t ee on Compliance, The Law Society of Hong Kong • Member, Consents Committee, The Law Society of Hong Kong • Member, Disciplinary Tribunal Panel, The Association of China-Appointed Attesting Officers Limited • Member, Betting and Lotteries Commission 黃巧欣女士 Ms Careen WONG Hau-yan 律師 Solicitor • 香港律師會副會長 • 律政司粵港澳大灣區律師顧問小組成員 • 專業聯合中心有限公司主席 • 香港律師彌償基金有限公司董事局成員 • 香港醫務委員會業外審裁員 • Vice President, The Law Society of Hong Kong • Membe r , Th e Ad v i s o r y G r oup o f Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Lawyers of The Department of Justice • Chairperson, The Joint Professional Centre Limited • Board Member, Hong Kong Solicitors Indemnity Fund Limited • Lay Assessor, The Medical Council of Hong Kong