
40 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 委員會 Committees 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 監管局設立了五個委員會,協助處理其繁 重的工作和履行其職能。各委員會或另設 工作小組,重點處理特定工作事宜,委 員會主席及工作小組召集人由監管局成員 出任。各委員會及其轄下的工作小組於年 內召開會議,為監管局的職能擬定工作計 劃,並按計劃開展各項工作。 The PMSA has establ ished f ive Commi ttees to assist in handling its heavy work schedule and discharging its functions. Each Committee may set up dedicated Working Group(s) to address speci f ic issues. Chai rpersons of Commi ttees and Convenors of the Working Groups are Members of the PMSA. The Committees and their Working Groups conducted meetings during the year to draw up work plans for the functions of the PMSA, and to roll out various programmes in accordance with their scheduled work plan. 財務及策略 發展委員會 Finance and Strategic Development Committee 牌照委員會 Licensing Committee 實務及審核委員會 Practice and Assessment Committee 紀律委員會 Disciplinary Committee 專業發展 委員會 Professional Development Committee 委員會 Committees