
41 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 委員會 Committees 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 紀律委員會 此委員會主要負責處理《物管條例》下的 紀律事宜。委員會可進行其認為合適的 聆訊、行使其認為適當的權力及作出其認 為適當的命令。委員會亦會制定指引及程 序,確保處理紀律個案的一致性及公平 性,並把有關作業方式不當的個案或投訴 轉介其他委員會,以制定或修訂政策、操 守守則或其他指引。 主席︰ 黃栢欣女士 成員︰ 陳志球博士,銀紫荊星章,太平紳士 張天任資深大律師 左滙雄先生,榮譽勳章 周聯僑先生,榮譽勳章,太平紳士 潘建良先生 譚國榮先生,榮譽勳章 黃巧欣女士 姚國威先生,榮譽勳章 楊哲安先生 民政事務總署署長或其代表 Disciplinary Committee This Committee is primarily responsible for handling disciplinary matters under the PMSO. It will conduct such hearings as it may think fit, exercise such powers and make such orders as it considers appropriate. It will also draw up guidelines and procedures to ensure consistency and fai rness in handling disciplinary cases, and refer cases of malpractice or complaints to other committees for formulation or revision of policies, Codes of Conduct or other guidelines. Chairperson: Ms Annie WONG Pak-yan Members: Dr Johnnie CHAN Chi-kau, SBS, JP Mr Jonathan CHANG Tien-yin, SC Mr CHO Wui-hung, MH Mr CHOW Luen-kiu, MH, JP Mr Stephen POON Kin-leung Mr Ivan TAM Kwok-wing, MH Ms Careen WONG Hau-yan Mr YIU Kwok-wai, MH Mr Jeremy YOUNG Chit-on Director of Home Affairs or her representative