
44 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 委員會 Committees 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 實務及審核委員會 此委員會負責協助監管局制定和檢討操守 守則及良好作業指南,分別規管物管公司 和物管從業員的專業操守及作業方式。如 需進行資歷審核,委員會會協助監管局制 定審核準則,以及執行審核工作。 主席︰ 譚國榮先生,榮譽勳章 成員︰ 許智文教授,榮譽勳章,太平紳士 何杏研女士 郭岳忠測量師,榮譽勳章 潘建良先生 黃巧欣女士 黃栢欣女士 楊子熙先生,銅紫荊星章,榮譽勳章 楊哲安先生 房屋署署長或其代表 民政事務總署署長或其代表 Practice and Assessment Committee This Committee is responsible for assisting the PMSA to draw up and review Codes of Conduct and Best Practice Guides, governing the conduct and practice of PM companies and PM practitioners respectively. Where a qualifying assessment is required, the Committee will assist the PMSA to set the parameters of and administer the qualifying assessment. Chairperson: Mr Ivan TAM Kwok-wing, MH Members: Professor Eddie HUI Chi-man, MH, JP Miss Renee HO Hang-yin Sr Dick KWOK Ngok-chung, MH Mr Stephen POON Kin-leung Ms Careen WONG Hau-yan Ms Annie WONG Pak-yan Mr Benny YEUNG Tsz-hei, BBS, MH Mr Jeremy YOUNG Chit-on Director of Housing or her representative Director of Home Affairs or her representative