
46 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 行政辦事處 Executive Office 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 監管局的行政辦事處協助及支援監管局執 行物管規管、宣傳業界優勢和推動行業專 業化的工作,以及處理不同範疇的日常 事務。行政辦由行政總裁領導,並由兩位 總經理分別負責「規管事務」和「營運及服 務」兩大方面的工作。「規管事務」分支下 設有投訴及執行部、法律事務部、牌照部 和規管事務及紀律研訊部;而「營運及服 務」分支下則設有行政部(負責監管局秘 書處、人力資源、財務及行政等工作)、 機構事務部(負責機構傳訊和資訊科技工 作)和專業發展部。行政辦於本年度的常 額員工數目共 41 名。 The PMSA Executive Office assists and supports the PMSA in discharging its PM regulatory duties, promoting industry edges, boosting the development of professionalism in the industry as well as performing day-to-day work of various aspects. It is led by the Chief Executive Officer, who is underpinned by two General Managers responsible for the “Regulatory” and “Operation and Service” branches respectively. The Complaints and Enforcement Division, Legal Affairs Division, Licensing Division, and Regulatory and Disciplinary Division are under the “Regulatory” branch; whi le the Administration Division (responsible for the PMSA Secretariat, Human Resources, Finance, and Administration functions), the Corporate Services Division (responsible for Corporate Communicat ions and Informat ion Technology funct ions) , and the Professional Development Division are under the “Operation and Service” branch. The Executive Office had 41 regular staff members during the year. 行政辦事處 Executive Office