
52 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 發牌規管 Regulating by Licensing 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 監管局「指明課程」 為配合落實物管業發牌制度,監管局於 2020 年委託四間大專院校,包括職業訓 練局香港專業教育學院、香港都會大學李 嘉誠專業進修學院、香港城市大學專業進 修學院及香港理工大學專業進修學院承辦 監管局「指明課程」,以協助業內具備物 管工作經驗但未能符合相關學歷及╱或 專業資格的從業員申領物管人牌照。有關 物管從業員可於發牌制度過渡期內先申領 臨時物管人牌照,並在臨時牌照有效期內 修畢指明課程,便可在並未符合相關學歷 及╱或專業資格準則的情況下,申領正 式物管人牌照。 PMSA Specified Courses To support the implementation of the PM industry licensing regime, the PMSA had in 2020 appointed four educational inst i tut ions, including Hong Kong Inst i tute of Vocat ional Education, Vocational Training Council, Li Ka Shing School of Profess ional and Cont inuing Educat ion, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, School of Continuing and Professional Education, City University of Hong Kong as well as School of Professional Education and Executive Development, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, to provide the PMSA Specified Courses to practitioners who possess the specified work experience but do not have the required academic and/ or professional qualification for applying for PM Practitioner licence. These practitioners may apply for provisional licence first during the transitional period of the licensing regime and complete the PMSA Specified Courses within the val idity period of the provisional licence, and then apply for formal PM Practitioner licence without the academic and/or professional qualification required. 在物管業發牌制度下,約 5 , 500 名物管 從業員持有臨時物管人牌照。截至 2024 年 3 月 31 日,監管局「指明課程」累計已 有約 4,600 多名學員(主要為臨時牌照持 有人)報讀,當中 4,120 多名學員已完成 課程(其中第 1 級約 2,900 人,而第 2 級約 1,220 人),另外約有 450 人仍在修讀中, 監管局估計市場上仍有約 900 多名臨時牌 照持有人(當中第 1 級約 470 人,而第 2 級 約 430 人)尚未報讀課程。 Under the PM industry licensing regime, around 5,500 PM practitioners are provisional licence holders. As of 31 March 2024, around 4,600 students (most ly provisional l icence holders) had already enrolled in the PMSA Specified Courses, of which over 4,120 students completed the course (around 2,900 were Tier 1 and around 1,220 were Tier 2), while nearly 450 were still studying the course, and around 900 provisional licence holders in the market (around 470 were Tier 1 and around 430 were Tier 2) have not yet enrolled for the course.