
53 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 發牌規管 Regulating by Licensing 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance As applications for provisional licences would not be accepted after the transitional period of the licensing regime, the four educational institutions would provide the PMSA Specified Courses based on market demand and i f a reasonable enrolment number could be reached (School of Continuing and Professional Education, City University of Hong Kong, would cease to provide Specified Courses from 1 April 2024 due to the course restructuring exercise undergoing by the University). The PMSA has been maintaining close contact with the course providers to ensure there are sufficient courses in the market to meet the needs of the industry. Moreover, Specified Courses (Tier 1) and (Tier 2) generally r equ i r e a mi n imum o f 9 and 6 mon t hs t o comp l e t e respectively. Therefore, the PMSA also issues notice monthly to PM practitioners who are holding valid provisional licence but have not yet applied for or been issued formal licence to keep them updated on the latest situation of the PMSA Specified Courses to be offered by the educational institutions (including student quota, number of classes, schedule of class opening and enrolment), enabling provisional licence holders to plan soonest possible and enrol in and complete the PMSA Specified Courses, and apply for formal licence within the validity period of their provisional licence so as to avoid missing the opportunity to enrol in the course. Relevant information has also been uploaded onto the PMSA website for public reference. 由於臨時牌照於發牌制度過渡期完結後不 會再接受申請,而四間大專院校會因應市 場需求及達至適合的申請人數才開辦監管 局「指明課程」(香港城市大學專業進修學 院由於與大學本部進行全面性課程重組工 作,由 2024 年 4 月 1 日起停辦監管局「指 明課程」),監管局與各間承辦院校一直保 持緊密聯繫,確保市場上有充足的學額供 應,以回應業界需求。 另外,在一般情況下,監管局「指明課 程」(第 1 級)及(第 2 級)分別最少需要 9 個 月及 6 個月完成。故此,監管局每月亦會 向持有有效臨時牌照但尚未申領或獲發正 式牌照的物管從業員發出通知,公布各承 辦院校開辦監管局「指明課程」的最新供 應情況(包括提供的學額、班數、及開班 和收生的時間表),方便臨時牌照持有人 盡早作好規劃並於其臨時牌照有效期內報 讀及完成監管局「指明課程」以申領正式 牌照,避免其錯失報讀課程的機會。有關 資料亦會上載至監管局網站以供公眾參 閱。