
54 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 發牌規管 Regulating by Licensing 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 完善政策與服務 監管局已根據《物管條例》及《發牌規例》 的規定制訂發牌制度的相關政策和配套服 務,亦會不時檢視發牌制度的運作,因應 實際情況適時完善有關政策及推出適切措 施,以便利物管公司及從業員申領牌照。 • 物管人牌照 優化持牌準則:根據《物管條例》 規定,申請物管人牌照所須符合的 訂明準則包括具有監管局不時指明 為香港物業提供物管服務的工作經 驗。然而,若申請人於可被計算年 期範圍內的物管工作經驗未能符合 相關持牌準則,但有充分和合理的 原因解釋為何有不足的情況,監管 局會就申請人所有的物管工作經驗 作出全面考慮,致力讓資深從業員 申領牌照,讓其可繼續於物管業界 作出貢獻。 安排集體提交牌照申請及領牌:監 管局可按個別團體或公司要求,為 其會員或僱員安排集體提交物管人 牌照申請或領取牌照服務,以便利 已符合持牌準則的會員或僱員盡快 申領牌照。另外,監管局亦主動到 訪快將修畢「監管局認可的指明物管 學歷」課程或監管局「指明課程」的 從業員,於其課堂上直接收取其牌 照申請及所須文件,以便利其盡快 申領牌照,從而為業界增加持牌物 管人的供應,為市民帶來更優質的 物管服務。過去一年,監管局共安 排了 15 次集體提交牌照申請╱領取 牌照活動。 Optimising Policies and Services The PMSA has al ready, in accordance wi th the PMSO and the Licensing Regulation, set out relevant policies and complementary measures regarding the licensing regime. The PMSA also reviews operation of the licensing regime from time to time and makes appropriate optimisation to relevant policies so as to facilitate PM companies and practitioners to apply for licence. • PM Practitioner licence Optimising criteria for holding licence: As stipulated in the PMSO, practitioners have to meet the criteria for holding PMP licence including PM work experience for properties in Hong Kong as specified by the PMSA. However, if an applicant does not possess PM work experience which can meet the licensing criteria within the years to be counted but can provide adequate and reasonable explanation, the PMSA will comprehensively review the PM work experience of the applicant, such that experienced PM practitioners may apply for licence and continue to contribute to the PM industry. Submitting licence applications and collecting licences in bulk: The PMSA may, upon request made by individual organisations or companies, arrange for their members or employees to submit PM Practitioner licence applications or collect licences in bulk so as to facilitate members or employees who have already met the licensing criteria to obtain licence soonest possible. In addition, the PMSA has also been visiting practitioners who will soon attain the PM qualifications specified by the PMSA or complete the PMSA Specified Courses, col lecting their l icence applications and supporting documents in class directly to facilitate them to apply for licence so as to increase the supply of licensed PM practitioners in the industry, thereby providing PM services of enhanced quality to the community. In the past year, the PMSA had organised 15 events for submitting licence applications/collecting licences in bulk.