
56 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 發牌規管 Regulating by Licensing 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 提醒公契╱分公契經理人及為有公 契的村屋屋苑或其他鄉村式╱低密 度發展樓宇提供多於一個類別訂明 物管服務的物管公司均須按《物管條 例》規定領牌:監管局知悉香港有一 些有公契的物業,其公契經理人物 管公司可能已委派其他物管公司(承 判物管公司)負責為其物業提供物管 服務,又或物業的一些業權人士可 能就其擁有的單位訂立分公契,並 委派其他物管公司擔任該單位的分 公契經理人,以提供物管服務。就 上述情況而言,除承判物管公司須 持有有效物管公司牌照外,有關的 公契經理人物管公司或分公契經理 人物管公司如須履行訂明於公契╱ 分公契內的職責,並向其物業提供 兩個或以上類別的訂明物管服務, 則無論有關職責是由該公契經理人 物管公司╱分公契經理人物管公司 親自履行,或是由其外聘的承判物 管公司提供相關服務,有關公司均 須按《物管條例》持有有效物管公 司牌照,才可繼續履行其職責。為 此,監管局已專函業主組織、相關 物管公司及團體,闡明上述情況和 《物管條例》的要求。此外,《物管條 例》所指向有公契的物業提供多於一 個類別的訂明物管服務的物管公司 必須申領物管公司牌照,當中亦包 括在新界區內有公契的村屋屋苑或 其他鄉村式╱低密度發展樓宇,因 此監管局已特函新界鄉議局,請其 向鄉郊社群轉達上述訊息,讓為有 公契的村屋屋苑提供物管服務的物 管公司知悉《物管條例》的規定。 Reminding DMC/Sub-DMC Managers as wel l as PM companies which provide more than one category of prescribed PM services to village estates or other rural/ low-density developments that they have to be licensed in accordance with the PMSO: The PMSA was aware that for certain properties subject to DMC in Hong Kong, its DMC Manager PM company may have already appointed another PM company (subcontractor PM company) to provide PM services, or that certain owners of some units of a property under a sub-DMC may have appointed another PM company to act as sub-DMC Manager of the units concerned and provide PM services. Under these circumstances, not only does the subcontractor PM company need to be licensed, if the DMC Manager or sub-DMC Manager PM company is required to perform the duties stipulated in the DMC/sub-DMC and provides more than one category of prescribed PM services, it is required to be licensed regardless of whether the relevant duties are directly performed by the DMC Manager/sub- DMC Manager PM company, or the relevant services are prov ided by subcont ractor PM company. For this reason, the PMSA had issued letters to owners’ organisations, relevant PM companies and bodies to clarify the aforementioned matters and the requirements of the PMSO. In addition, as PM companies providing more than one category of prescr ibed PM services to properties subject to DMC have to apply for PM Company licence and such properties include also village estates or other rural/low-density developments subject to DMC in the New Territories, the PMSA had therefore also written to the Heung Yee Kuk N.T. requesting for its assistance in conveying the aforementioned messages to the rural community, such that PM companies providing PM services to village estates subject to DMC would be aware of the requirements of the PMSO.