
57 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 發牌規管 Regulating by Licensing 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 處理牌照申請上訴個案 監管局一直恪守《物管條例》及《發牌規 例》的規定,以審批每宗牌照的申請。在 詳細考慮全部有關申請資料後,如監管 局未能信納申請人符合相關持牌準則及 屬持有牌照的合適人選,則根據《物管條 例》訂明,監管局不得向有關申請人發出 牌照。《物管條例》下已制訂上訴機制並 賦予每名申請人上訴的權利,以確保每宗 申請均得到公平公正處理。申請人可根據 《物管條例》以書面形式向民政及青年事 務局局長提出上訴。 過去一年,共有 3 名申請人透過上述上訴 機制就監管局不向其發出牌照的決定作出 上訴。《物管條例》上訴審裁小組接獲上 訴申請後,會按法定程序進行聆訊,並在 考慮所有相關資料後作出最終決定。截至 2024 年 3 月 31 日,上訴審裁小組已就《物 管條例》實施後首宗上訴個案頒下裁決結 果,裁定維持監管局不向相關上訴人發出 牌照的決定,而另外兩宗上訴個案則仍在 處理中。 Handling Licence Application Appeal Cases The PMSA has always been vetting licence applications in accordance with the requirements of the PMSO and the Licensing Regulation. After thorough examination of all the application information, if the PMSA is not convinced that the applicant meets the licensing criteria and is a suitable person for holding the licence, the PMSA would not issue licence to the applicant under the PMSO. For such cases, the applicant may, in accordance with the appeal mechanism stipulated in the PMSO, make appeal to the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs in writing. In the past year, three applicants made appeal through the mechanism against the PMSA’s decision of not issuing licence to them. After receiving an appeal application, the PMSO Appeal Tribunal would conduct a hearing according to the statutory procedures and would make a final decision on the matters after considering all the relevant information. As of 31 March 2024, the Appeal Tribunal had dealt with the first ever appeal case since the implementation of the PMSO and had upheld the PMSA’s decision of not issuing licence to the applicant. The remaining two appeal cases remain in progress.