
59 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 發牌規管 Regulating by Licensing 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance The PMSA had invited Mr. Clarence LEUNG, Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, as the officiating guest of the ceremony. Under Secretary LEUNG said in his speech during the ceremony that good-quality PM companies and PM teams were important elements to enhance residents’ sense of happiness and security. PM companies could assist owners to fulfil their responsibilities in building management, ensure building safety and sanitation, maintain property value, and most crucially, enable the public to live and work in harmony. The PMSA had also invited three heavyweight speakers to take part in the ceremony, namely Ms Quince CHONG, Chief Corporate Development Officer, CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd., Hon Doreen KONG, Member of the Legislative Council, and Ir Alfred SIT, Senior Advisor to the President of Hong Kong Baptist University, Former Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Chief Executive and Secretary of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and delivered keynote speeches on the three core values of the PM industry “Quality”, “Integrity” and “Advancement ” , so as to encourage the i ndust ry to cont inuously advance towards enhanced qual i ty and professionalism. The Commemorative Ceremony concluded with the Electronic Pledge Signing Ceremony. Led by Mr TE Chi Wang, Deputy Director of Home Affairs, Dr James WONG, Chairperson of the PMSA, and Prof Eddie HUI, Vice Chairperson of the PMSA, members of the PM industry and other stakeholders attending in person and online signed electronic pledge together to give support for the PM industry to uphold the above-mentioned three core values. The number of participants signing the electronic pledge reached 15,368 and was recognised on site by the World Record Association as setting the record for “Most Number of People Signing Electronic Pledge to Support the Sustainable Development of the PM Profession”. 監管局邀請了民政及青年事務局副局長梁 宏正先生擔任紀念典禮的主禮嘉賓。梁副 局長致辭時表示,質素良好的物管公司和 優秀的物管團隊,正是提升住戶幸福感及 安全感的重要元素。物管公司除了可協助 業主履行管理大廈的責任,保障樓宇安全 衞生,維持物業價值外,更重要的工作是 讓市民安居樂業。 監管局於典禮亦邀請了三位講者,分別是 中華電力有限公司企業發展總裁莊偉茵女 士、立法會議員江玉歡女士,以及香港浸 會大學校長資深顧問╱前創新及科技局 局長╱香港工程師學會秘書長薛永恒工 程師,就物管業界「服務優質」、「行事持 正」及「與時並進」三大核心價值作專題演 講,鼓勵業界朝優質化專業化持續向前發 展。 紀念典禮的最後部分以電子承諾書簽署儀 式作結。在民政事務總署副署長易志宏先 生、監管局主席黃江天博士及監管局副 主席許智文教授帶領下,現場及在線參與 典禮的物管業人士和一眾持份者一同簽署 電子承諾書,支持業界秉持物管業三大核 心價值。參與簽署電子承諾書的人數達 15,368 ,獲世界紀錄協會當場認證為「最 多人簽署承諾支持物業管理專業持續發 展」的紀錄。