
6 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 策略重點 Strategic Priorities 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 策略重點 Strategic Priorities 物管業發牌制度下的三年過渡期於 2023 年 7 月 31 日順利完結,標誌著香港物管業正式踏入物管公司及從業員 均持牌朝優質化專業化向前發展的全新物管世代。 物業管理業監管局在過去一年繼續肩負起牽頭和推動物管業發展的責任,透過「發牌規管」、「制定專業標準」 和「鼓勵持續進修」三管齊下,致力與各政府部門、公營機構及業界團體協作、凝聚各方力量,推動物管行業 秉持「服務優質」、「行事持正」及「與時並進」三大核心價值,並適當應用創新科技,將「環境保護」、「社會責 任」及「企業管治」 ESG 理念融入業界企業管理及營運模式內,以提升香港物管業的專業地位及服務水平,達 至行業可持續健康發展。 The three-year transitional period under the PM industry licensing regime ended on 31 July 2023. The smooth ending of the transitional period and positive response from the industry reflect that the industry embraces the new era of PM whereby PM companies and PM practitioners are licensed and advancing towards enhanced quality and professionalism. In the last year, the PMSA continued to serve as the industry advocate and through adopting the three-pronged approach of “regulating by licensing”, “setting professional standards” and “encouraging continuous learning”, dedicated itself towards collaboration with different Government departments, public bodies and industry associations, driving the industry to uphold the three core values of “Quality”, “Integrity” and “Advancement”, and integrating ESG principles of “Environmental protection”, “Social responsibilities” and “Governance” into corporate management and operation of the industry, and suitably adopting innovative technology, so as to raise the professional standards and status of the industry and achieve sustainable and healthy development. 截至 as at 31.3.2024 發牌規管 Regulating by Licensing 770 23 14,000 1,093 在物管業發牌制度下 Under the PM industry licensing regime : 持正式牌照 hold formal licences 個單位 flats 個私人物業 private properties 逾 Over 逾 Over 逾 Over 近 Nearly 個持牌物管人 licensed PM Practitioners 個物管人牌照 PM Practitioner licences 間持牌物管公司 licensed PM Companies Different types of property: including large estates or single block buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, car parks, shopping malls, composite buildings 個物管公司牌照 PM Company licences 持臨時牌照 hold provisional licences 30% 70% 不同物業類型: 包括大型屋苑或單幢住宅、商業樓宇、工業廠房、停車場、商場、綜合用途物業 2,400,000 10,000 已續期牌照數目 Number of licence renewed: 提供的物管服務涵蓋 Service provision covers :