
60 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 發牌規管 Regulating by Licensing 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 持牌物管人故事 Licensed PM Practitioner Stories 康業服務有限公司助理分區經理 陳寶欣女士 Ms CHAN Po Yan , Assistant Area Manager, Hong Yip Service Company Limited • 物管人(第 1 級)牌照持有人 • 持有學士學位,主修房屋管理 • 擁有超過 10 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • Has obtained Bachelor’s degree in Housing Management • With over 10 years of PM work experience 我很高興成為監管局發出第 1 萬個物管人牌照的持有人。我會鼓勵團隊持續 進修和領取物管人牌照,邁向專業化,共同提供更好的服務予所管理的物業。 I am very happy to be the holder of the 10,000 th PM Practitioner licence issued by the PMSA. I would encourage my team to pursue CPD and apply for PM Practitioner licence, advancing towards professionalism and providing together better quality services to properties managed by us. 信德物業管理有限公司高級物業及設施經理 陳展豐先生 Mr CHAN Chin Fung , Senior Property and Facility Manager, Shun Tak Property Management Limited • 物管人(第 1 級)牌照持有人 • 擁有超過 25 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • With over 25 years of PM work experience 獲發物管人牌照進一步肯定自己在行業的專業能力。我期望本地的從業員未 來能有更多互相交流學習的機會,令物管行業走得更前、走得更遠。 The holding of a PM Practitioner licence has further enhanced the recognition of my professional competencies in the industry. I hope that local PM practitioners can have more opportunities to exchange and learn from each other in future so that the industry moves farther and further ahead. 保護業戶的家園是我們重中之重的責任,而物管從業員在公共事務亦擔 當重要角色,是政府與市民之間的超級聯繫人。 Safeguarding the homes of our residents is utmost important to us. PM practitioners also play a crucial role in public affairs as we act as the liaison between the Government and the public. 偉邦物業管理有限公司區域助理總經理 陳志浩先生 Mr CHAN Chi Ho , Regional Assistant General Manager, Well Born Real Estate Management Limited • 物管人(第 1 級)牌照持有人 • 由貿易行業轉行物管業 • 擁有超過 20 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • Switched from logistics to PM work • With over 20 years of PM work experience