
61 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 發牌規管 Regulating by Licensing 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 兆達隆物業管理有限公司大廈主任 彭伯茵女士 Ms PANG Pak Yan , Building Officer, Stratton Property Management Limited • 物管人(第 2 級)牌照持有人 • 從秘書轉行至物管業 • 擁有 7 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 2) licence holder • Switched from office secretary to PM work • With over 7 years of PM work experience 香港要面對樓宇老化的問題,亦不斷有新基建項目落成,需要大量物管專業 人才監督及管理相關工作,可見物管行業發展前景一片光明。 Hong Kong needs to face the problem of aging buildings and new infrastructure development has also been increasing simultaneously, which require many PM professionals to supervise and manage the relevant work. The future development of the PM industry is therefore promising. 自物管業發牌制度實施後,大眾對行業的印象變得愈來愈正面。香港房屋 協會「自願樓宇評審計劃」接納持牌物管人擔任評審員,是肯定我們專業 能力的一個重要指標。 Since the implementation of the PM industry licensing regime, the image of the industry amongst the public has become more positive. Licensed PM practitioners accepted by the Hong Kong Housing Society to be assessors of its Voluntary Building Assessment Scheme is a major indication in the recognition of our professional competencies. 康業服務有限公司高級項目及課程發展經理 林敬樂先生 Mr Pius LAM , Senior Project and Program Development Manager, Hong Yip Service Company Limited • 物管人(第 1 級)牌照持有人 • 「自願樓宇評審計劃」名冊 2B 評審員 • 擁有超過 20 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • List 2B Voluntary Building Assessment Scheme Assessor • With over 20 years of PM work experience 信和物業管理有限公司高級物業經理 鄧永東先生 Mr TANG Wing Tung , Senior Property Manager, Sino Estates Management Limited • 物管人(第 1 級)牌照持有人 • 超過 20 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • With over 20 years of PM work experience 隨著物管業發牌制度實施,物管從業員的認受性亦逐步增加;當我們為客戶 提供服務時就能更有底氣,因為我們是專業的持牌物管人。 Following the implementation of the PM industry licensing regime, the recognition for PM practitioners has gradually increased. We feel reassured when serving our customers because we are professionally licensed PM practitioners.