
62 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 發牌規管 Regulating by Licensing 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 第一太平戴維斯物業管理有限公司助理董事 葉志濤先生 Mr YIP Chi Tao , Associate Director, Savills Property Management Limited • 物管人(第 1 級)牌照持有人 • 近 20 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • With nearly 20 years of PM work experience 良好的物管服務不單提高業戶的居住和生活質素,更可以為物業增值升級。 發牌制度完善專業發展階梯,幫助業內人士制定發展目標,以自己的職能貢 獻行業和社會。 Good PM services may raise the quality of living of the residents, as well as the value of the property. The licensing regime improves the professional development ladder, driving members of the industry to set development goals and contribute to the industry and society through their work. 物管業與社會大眾市民息息相關,物管業界可善用龐大的人力資源及廣 闊的服務涵蓋面,在不同方面協助政府施政,一起改善市民的生活質素。 The PM industry is closely related to the everyday life of the public and the community. The industry may make use of its huge human resources and wide service coverage to assist the Government in implementing its policies in different aspects and enhance together the quality of life of the community. 信德置業管理有限公司高級物業及設施經理 程識琪先生 Mr CHING Shik Kee , Senior Property and Facility Manager, Shun Tak Properties Limited • 物管人(第 1 級)牌照持有人 • 超過 20 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • With over 20 years of PM work experience 第一太平戴維斯物業管理有限公司高級物業主任 梁皓斐先生 Mr Victor LEUNG , Senior Property Officer, Savills Property Management Limited • 物管人(第 2 級)牌照持有人 • 從會計轉行至物管業 • 擁有 3 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 2) licence holder • Switched from accountancy to PM work • With 3 years of PM work experience 物管業發牌制度為從業員提供了明確的晉升階梯,吸引不少年輕新血入行, 我身邊有很多年輕朋友亦已投身物管行列。 The PM industry licensing regime provides a clear career path for PM practitioners thus attracting young blood to join the industry. Many of my youthful friends have become a member of the PM industry.