
63 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 發牌規管 Regulating by Licensing 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 嘉怡物業管理有限公司管業經理 何家輝先生 Mr Ivan HO , Property Manager, Nice Property Management Limited • 物管人(第 1 級)牌照持有人 • 擁有超過 10 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • With over 10 years of PM work experience 物管業發牌制度使從業員明白在提供服務時有甚麼可以做,更加重要是有甚麼 不可以做,令業戶對由持牌物管公司及持牌物管從業員管理的物業更有信心。 The PM industry licensing regime lets PM practitioners know what they can do when providing service and more importantly what they cannot do, such that residents have greater confidence in properties managed by licensed PM companies and practitioners. 物管業發牌制度在香港實施以後,會被其他地方視為模仿和學習的對象, 令香港可憑藉行業制度的優勢,在亞洲乃至全球創造更大的價值。 The implementation of the PM industry licensing regime in Hong Kong will be followed by other places such that Hong Kong may leverage its strengths in the industry’s system for value enhancement in both Asia and globally. 柏齡物業管理有限公司市場拓展經理 高新先生 Mr GAO Xin , Business Development Manager, Parkland Property Management Limited • 物管人(第 2 級)牌照持有人 • 從內地物管公司調派至香港工作 • 擁有 5 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 2) licence holder • Transferred to work in Hong Kong from Mainland PM company • With 5 years of PM work experience 昇捷管理服務有限公司物業經理 彭塏炘女士 Ms PANG Hoi Yan , Property Manager, Synergis Management Services Limited • 物管人(第 1 級)牌照持有人 • 擁有超過 10 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • With over 10 years of PM work experience 實施發牌制度後,多了客戶認識這個行業,當知道持牌從業員需滿足一定的 發牌條件時,對我們亦多了一份尊重。 After the implementation of the licensing regime, more clients have gained understanding of the industry and become aware that licensed PM practitioners are required to meet a set of licensing criteria. We have also gained more respect from them.