
64 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 發牌規管 Regulating by Licensing 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 仲量聯行物業管理服務有限公司助理客戶服務主任 雷嘉儀女士 Ms Tiffany LUI , Assistant Customer Service Officer, Jones Lang LaSalle Management Services Limited • 從航空業轉行至物管業 • 正修讀物管課程準備申領物管人(第 2 級)牌照 • 擁有 3 年物管工作經驗 • Switched from aviation to PM work • Studying PM course to apply for PM Practitioner (Tier 2) licence • With 3 years of PM work experience 航空業在疫情期間幾乎停擺,我因而轉職投身趨專業化的物管行業,一個未 來極具發展潛力的行業。 The aviation industry almost came to a halt during the pandemic, and so I switched to the PM industry which is advancing towards professionalism and has great potential for future development. 成為物管人牌照持有人後,我在業內的晉升機會會相對提升,未來轉職 及商討薪酬待遇亦較有優勢。而對公司而言,聘請持牌物管人員亦可提 升業務形象,贏取客戶信心。 Since becoming a PM practitioner licence holder, I have found more career advancement opportunities in the industry. I could also have an edge in switching job and negotiating salary and benefits in future. As for a PM company, hiring licensed PM practitioners can enhance the image of its business and strengthen the confidence of its clients. 恒益物業管理有限公司物業經理 鄧皓偉先生 Mr Philip TANG , Property Manager, Hang Yick Properties Management Limited • 物管人(第 1 級)牌照持有人 • 擁有超過 20 年物管工作經驗 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • With over 20 years of PM work experience