
65 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 制定專業標準 Setting Professional Standards 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 操守守則 為配合發牌制度正式實施及提升業界專業 水平,監管局於年內共發出了 7 份操守守 則及相關良好作業指南,包括《處理分判 物業管理服務》、《防止貪污事宜-員工 聘用及管理》、《宣傳品的派發與展示》、 《樹木管理工作》、《物業管理公司於《建 築物管理條例》下的責任》、《處理物業建 築工程》、《處理委任代表的文書》,以及 更新了《處理棚架工作》及《處理吊船工 作》操守守則及相關良好作業指南。有關 守則指南的電子版亦已上載至監管局網 站,以供公眾參閱。 根據《物管條例》規定,持牌人雖然不會 因違反操守守則內的條文而招致法律責 任,但在法律程序(包括紀律聆訊)中, 如相關條文與程序中受爭議的事宜的裁 斷攸關,則該等操守守則可獲接納為證 據,而關於持牌人是否有違反操守守則條 文的證明,可作為有助確立或否定受爭議 事宜的依據。 Codes of Conduct To complement the implementation of the licensing regime and raise the professional standards of the industry, the PMSA had issued during the year a total of 7 Codes of Conduct and relevant Best Practice Guides, including Handling Outsourced Property Management Services , Prevention of Corruption – Staff Recruitment and Management , Distribution and Display of Promotional Material , Tree Management Work , Obl igations of Property Management Company under the Bui lding Management Ordinance , Handl ing Bui lding Works and Handling Instrument of Appointing a Proxy . The PMSA had also revised the Handling Scaffolding Works and Handling Suspended Working Platform Works Codes of Conduct and relevant Best Practice Guides. The electronic version of the above Codes and Guides had been uploaded to the PMSA website for public viewing. Under the PMSO, a licensee does not incur legal liability only because of contravening a provision of the Code of Conduct. However, if the concerned provision is relevant to determining a matter that is an issue in legal proceeding ( including disciplinary hearing), the said Code of Conduct is admissible in evidence in the proceedings, and proof that the relevant l icensee contravened or did not contravene the relevant provision may be relied on as tending to establish or negate that matter. 制定專業標準 Setting Professional Standards