
66 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 制定專業標準 Setting Professional Standards 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message The purpose of the Best Practice Guide is to enable licensees to compl y more ef fect i vely and professional ly wi th the guidelines set out in the Code of Conduct when carrying out their duties. Failure to comply with the Best Practice Guide will not be regarded as a disciplinary offence under the PMSO, but licensees are encouraged to use their best endeavours to follow the guide. In addition to regulating the industry, the Codes and Guides formulated by the PMSA also provide members of the public who demand for qual i ty PM services a set of object ive standard drawn up based on extensive consultation, and the public could be educated on what would constitute reasonable and quality PM services and thus the interaction with them would be enhanced, achieving a win-win situation for both property users and the industry. The PMSA will continue to issue Codes of Conduct and Best Practice Guides in respect of different areas of PM so as to enhance the professionalism of PM companies and pract i t ioners, and encourage the industry to provide quality PM services to the community. 良好作業指南旨在讓持牌人更有效及專業 地依循載列於操守守則的指引行事。未 能遵從良好作業指南不會被視為《物管條 例》所指的違紀行為,但監管局鼓勵持牌 人盡力依循良好作業指南行事。 監管局制定的守則指南除規管業界外,亦 為公眾就要求提供優質物管服務訂立一套 經廣泛諮詢而達成的客觀標準,可教育 公眾合理要求提供適切有效的物管服務, 以增強了解合作,達至業戶與物管業界雙 贏。監管局會繼續就物管業的不同範疇發 出操守守則及良好作業指南,以提升物管 公司及物管從業員的專業水平和鼓勵業界 為公眾提供更優質的物管服務。