
67 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 制定專業標準 Setting Professional Standards 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 為了加深持牌人對物管業操守守則的理 解、加強公眾認識物管行業運作,監管局 於本年度亦製作了一系列共 6 套以持牌人 提供物管服務時面對的各種情況為例子的 處境教材短片以作宣傳及教育公眾之用。 此外,監管局亦向相關院校提供這些教 材短片,以作教授物管相關課程的教學資 源。有關短片主題涵蓋處理個人資料、處 理投訴程序及業主可否查閱財務文件等。 監管局主席黃江天博士亦有親身參與拍攝 工作,現身說法,推動物管業界行事持 正。 To further enhance licensees’ understanding of the PM Codes of Conduct and strengthen public understanding about the operation of the industry, the PMSA had in the year produced a series of 6 educational videos featuring the situations licensees may encounter during PM service provision as examples for promotion and public education purposes. In addition, the PMSA also provided these videos to relevant educational institutions as educational resource for teaching PM-related courses. Topics cover handling personal data, procedures of handling complaints and whether owners can check financial documents, etc. Dr James WONG, Chairperson of the PMSA, also featured in the videos and shared experience in person for promoting the industry to act with integrity.