
68 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 制定專業標準 Setting Professional Standards 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 投訴及查詢處理 監管局一直透過不同的渠道包括會面、電 話及電郵等,與公眾及持份者保持溝通, 期望能更有效及適切地處理有關物管服務 的意見、查詢及投訴。 根據《物管條例》,監管局會對涉嫌干犯 違紀行為的投訴進行調查。雖然監管局 未能根據《物管條例》向非持牌人作出調 查,但監管局會就有關個案盡力向投訴人 提供協助,包括向有關物管公司或從業員 作出查詢及轉達投訴人的關注,鼓勵其對 有關事宜作出跟進及加強與客戶的溝通, 以釋除疑慮或謀求達成共識,解決投訴事 宜。 監管局於 2023-24 年度共接獲及處理 768 宗投訴,其中與持牌人相關的個案共 712 宗。投訴人主要是物業業主,其物業種類 以住宅為主,而投訴內容主要涉及管理其 物業的物管公司未有妥善處理投訴、未有 按時張貼會議紀錄、沒有適當處理噪音滋 擾或漏水事宜、離任時沒有妥善交接、沒 有妥善管理清潔或保安服務、未有跟進或 延誤處理物業公用部分的維修及保養工 作,以及拒絕或拖延提供有關財務文件及 紀錄等。 Handling Complaints and Enquiries The PMSA has al l along communicated with stakeholders and the public through different means, including meeting, telephone call and email, aiming to deal with opinion, enquiries and complaints received in respect of PM services more effectively. The PMSA will conduct investigation into complaints against l icensees al leged to have committed discipl inary offences under the PMSO. If the subject of complaint is not a licensee, whi le the PMSA may not conduct investigation under the PMSO, it will strive to provide assistance to the complainant, including making enquiries with the relevant PM company or practitioner, relaying the concern to them and encouraging them to fol low up on the relevant matters and enhance communication with their clients in order to address concern or reach consensus so as to resolve the complaint. The PMSA received and dealt with 768 complaints in the year 2023-24, and 712 of which involved licensees. The complaints came mainly from property owners of residential properties. They complained against the PM companies responsible for managing thei r propert ies for not deal ing wi th thei r complaints properly, failure to post meeting minutes timely, inappropriate handling of noise nuisance or water leakage, failure to handover properly at the end of service appointment, mismanagement of cleansing or security services, failure or delay in taking follow-up actions about repair and maintenance works of common areas of property, as well as refusal or delay in providing relevant financial records or documents, etc. 有關投訴事項包括投訴的物業沒有大廈公契、業主組織向業 戶採取法律行動以及有關物管公司與其僱員的勞資糾紛和涉 及公契條文的爭議等。 Relevant complaints include property concerned does not have a DMC, owners’ organisations taking legal action against tenants, labour disputes between PM company and its employees and disputes relating to terms in DMC, etc. 監管局職權範圍內 Within Jurisdiction 717 監管局職權範圍外 Outside Jurisdiction 51 投訴總數 Complaint Cases 768