
69 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 制定專業標準 Setting Professional Standards 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 監管局職權範圍內的投訴分類 Classification of complaints within jurisdiction of the PMSA * 由於每宗投訴個案可能涉及超過一個分類項目,因此分類項目個案的數目並不等於投訴個案總數量。 Since a single complaint case may involve more than one category of complaint, the total number of complaints in different categories is not equal to the total number of complaint cases. 88 宗 Cases 586 宗 Cases 82 宗 Cases 111 宗 Cases 77 宗 Cases 總數 Total 944 * 宗 Cases 關乎物業的一般管理服務 General management services 物業所處環境的管理 Management of property environment 例如沒有妥善跟進業戶的投訴、沒有妥善處理噪音滋擾、沒有妥善處理業戶佔用公用地方、沒有妥善 處理業戶的違例建築物、沒有協助或安排舉行業主會議、物管公司離任時沒有妥善處理交接事宜等 e.g. failure to follow up properly in respect of complaints made by owners, failure to handle noise nuisance properly, failure to handle occupation of common areas of property, failure to deal with unauthorised building works, failure to assist in convening or arranging owners’ meetings, failure to handover properly at the end of service appointment, etc. 例如沒有按時清理垃圾、公用設施 清潔不足、沒有保安員當值、保安 員沒有按時巡邏公用地方等 e.g. fai lure to col lect refuse on schedule, insufficient cleaning of common area, no security guard on duty, security guards’ failure to patrol common areas of property according to schedule, etc. 關乎物業的財務及資產管理 Finance and asset management 例如財政預算和賬目錯誤、不清晰及 拒絕或拖延查閱財務紀錄的要求等 e.g. budgeting and accounts not correct or not clear enough, refusal or delay in dealing with request for inspection of financial records, etc. 物業的維修、保養及改善 Repair, maintenance and improvement 例如沒有╱延誤維修或更換已老 化╱損毀的喉管或外牆等 e.g. fai lure/delay in carrying out repair or replacement of old/defect ive water pipes or external wall, etc. 關乎物業的設施管理 Facility management 例如佔用物業公用地方及停 車場的公用部份等 e.g. occupation of common area of carpark or property, etc.