
71 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 鼓勵持續進修 Encouraging Continuous Learning 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 鼓勵持續進修 Encouraging Continuous Learning 監管局在 2023-2024 年度繼續致力推動 物管業界持續專業發展及積極培養學習文 化。 The PMSA continued to promote continuous learning and cultivate a learning culture among the PM industry in the year 2023-2024. 2023 年「持續專業發展計劃」 監管局於 2022 年初推出了「持續專業發 展計劃」,為物管人牌照持有人於每個曆 年(即由每年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日)參與持 續專業發展活動╱課程劃一釐定了準則 和要求,並透過舉辦及認可不同進修活 動╱課程,推動物管持牌人不斷學習新 的知識技能,以應付物管工作的挑戰及需 求。 計劃於 2023 年以自願參與性質實施,並 建議物管人(第 1 級)及(第 2 級)牌照持有 人每年分別參與最少 12 小時及 6 小時符合 準則的持續進修活動╱課程;當參與時 數達至計劃的參考要求,持牌物管人可獲 監管局頒發證書以作嘉許。 2023 CPD Scheme The PMSA launched the CPD Scheme in early 2022, setting standard criteria and requirements for PM Practitioner licence holders to participate in CPD activities/courses on calendar year basis (i.e. from 1 January to 31 December each year). The Scheme encourages PM Practitioner licence holders to learn new knowledge and skills continuously through participating in CPD activities/courses organised as well as recognised by the PMSA in order to cope with PM work requirement and challenges. The Scheme was implemented on voluntary participation basis in 2023. PM Practitioner (Tier 1) and (Tier 2) licence holders are recommended to participate respectively in a minimum of 12 hours and 6 hours each year of CPD activities/courses which meet the requirement of the Scheme. Licensees who are able to attain the number of CPD hours recommended by the PMSA and meet all the requirement will receive certificate of recognition from the PMSA.