
72 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 鼓勵持續進修 Encouraging Continuous Learning 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 「持續專業發展計劃」於 2023 年的推行情 況如下: • 監管局持續專業發展講座 監管局與不同政府部門、公營機構 及行業團體合作,舉辦了共 4 場實體 及 7 場網上講座,累計有逾 4,400 名 物管業界人士報名參與。監管局亦 就不同講座主題製作及剪輯了共 9 套 短片教材,發放予四間監管局「指明 課程」的承辦院校及多間提供「指明 物業管理學歷或同等學歷的課程」的 院校,為其教授物管相關課程提供 多元化的教學資源。 Highlights of the CPD Scheme in 2023 were as follows: • PMSA CPD seminars The PMSA co l l aborated wi th var i ous Government departments, public bodies and industry organisations and held 4 seminars and 7 webinars which were attended by over 4,400 members of the PM industry cumulatively. The PMSA also edi ted 9 short themed videos from recorded footage of the seminars for distribution to the four PMSA Speci f ied Course providers and to various other educational institutions offering specified or equivalent qualification courses in order to provide these institutions with diverse educational resources for teaching PM-related courses. • 監管局認可培訓活動╱課程 計劃亦預先認可了共 176 個由監管 局「認可專業團體」及其他機構所舉 辦的持續專業發展活動╱課程,當 中有 132 個活動╱課程屬「核心」內 容範疇,而 44 個活動╱課程則屬 「非核心」內容範疇。所有獲認可的 活動╱課程均以「正式」學習模式進 行,包括 31 個課程和 145 個講座╱ 研討會╱參觀活動。 • 物管人牌照持有人參與情況 截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,超過 6,900 名物管人牌照持有人已於計劃電子 紀錄系統開立個人賬戶,當中有 3,400 人已載有進修紀錄,而 1,770 人於 2023 年可達至計劃建議及符合 準則的認可參與時數要求,並獲監 管局頒發證書以作嘉許。 • PMSA recognised training activities/courses A total of 176 CPD activities/courses organised by PMSA Recognised Professional Bodies and other organisations had been recognised in advance under the Scheme, of which 132 were activities/courses with “Core” content and 44 were activities/courses with “Non-core” content. Al l recognised act ivi t ies/courses were conducted in “formal” learning mode, including 31 courses and 145 talks/seminars/visits. • PM practitioner licence holders’ participation As of 31 December 2023, over 6,900 holders of PM Practitioner licence had set up account on the Scheme’s e-recording system, of which 3,400 recorded their CPD activities, and 1,770 met the recommended participation hours and requirement of the Scheme in 2023 and were awarded certificates of recognition by the PMSA.