
73 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 鼓勵持續進修 Encouraging Continuous Learning 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 2024 年起分階段強制實施 「持續專業發展計劃」 Implementing CPD on Mandatory Basis by Stages from 2024 Onwards • 強制實施計劃安排 監管局於物管業發牌制度過渡期完 結後隨即開始分階段強制實施「持續 專業發展計劃」。物管人(第 1 級)牌 照持有人由 2024 年 1 月 1 日起須強制 參與持續進修,而物管人(第 2 級) 牌照持有人則由 2025 年 1 月 1 日起須 強制參與。 就落實強制參與持續進修而言,由 2023 年 8 月 1 日起,監管局已根據 《發牌規例》在所有新簽發及續期的 物管人牌照施加條件,要求相關持 牌人均須符合計劃指定的參與時數 要求,否則可能影響續牌。 • 物管人牌照持有人參與情況 共 1,150 多名物管人(第 1 級)牌照持 有人率先於 2024 年起須按牌照規定 強制參與持續進修,當中 1,000 多 人 (89%) 已於計劃下的電子紀錄系統 開設個人賬戶,系統已載有當中近 460 人 (40%) 於 2024 年參與進修的 紀錄,而 40 多人 (4%) 已達至計劃下 的每年認可參與時數要求。 • Arrangements for implementing CPD on mandatory basis After the ending of the transitional period of the PM i ndust ry l i cens i ng reg ime, the PMSA immed i ate l y commenced implementation of the CPD Scheme on mandatory basis by stages. PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holders are required to participate in the CPD Scheme on mandatory basis f rom 1 January 2024 onwards and PM Practitioner (Tier 2) licence holders are required to participate from 1 January 2025 onwards. To enforce the aforementioned arrangements, from 1 August 2023 onwards, the PMSA has imposed condition on all newly issued and renewed PM Practitioner licences in accordance with the Licensing Regulation requiring the licensees concerned to fulfil the CPD participation requirement. Otherwise licence renewal may be affected. • PM Practitioner licence holders’ participation Over 1,150 PM Pract i t ioner (Tier 1) l icence holders would be required as per their l icence to participate in continuous learning on mandatory basis from 2024, of whom over 1,000 (89%) had set up account on the Scheme’s e-recording system. Nearly 460 (40%) of them had recorded their CPD activities in 2024 on the system, and over 40 (4%) had met the annual participation hours and requirement of the Scheme.