
74 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 鼓勵持續進修 Encouraging Continuous Learning 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 「持續專業發展學券」計劃 監管局為推動持續進修而推出的「持續專 業發展學券」計劃已於 2023 年 5 月圓滿結 束,計劃鼓勵物管人牌照持有人在限期前 完成三個指定步驟,包括下載「 PMSA 」手 機應用程式並開設個人賬戶、在個人賬戶 記錄最少 1 次參與持續專業發展活動╱課 程,以及在活動專頁進行登記,即有機會 贏取總值 $10,000 的持續專業發展學券。 監管局已順利抽選出 5 位得獎者,並邀請 其分享對持續進修的意見和心得。 CPD Voucher Scheme The CPD Voucher Scheme launched by the PMSA to promote CPD ended in May 2023. PM Practitioner licence holder who had completed the three steps of downloading the PMSA Mobile App and registering for a personal account, recording of at least one CPD activity/course participated and registering for the Voucher Scheme before the designated deadline would be eligible to win a CPD Voucher of $10,000. The PMSA had already drawn lot to select five lucky winners and had invited the winners to share their views and thoughts on CPD with the industry. 監管局的持續專業發展計劃除了有助我增進與工作相關 的專業知識外,亦可令我擴闊視野。舉例來說,監管局 以樹木管理為題舉辦持續專業發展講座,讓我與其他一 直從事商場管理工作的物管從業員有機會可以接觸不同 專業範疇的知識,有助我更全面了解物管行業的工作。 The PMSA CPD Scheme has enr iched my professional knowledge at work and also widened my horizons. For example, the PMSA CPD seminar about tree management gave me, a PM practitioner who has always worked in shopping mall management, a chance to be exposed to professional knowledge in respect of other fields, which helped me understand PM work more comprehensively. 馬穎琪女士 Ms Ma Wing Kei • 物管人牌照(第 1 級)持有人 • 於物管公司任職總物業主任 • 已從事物管工作超過 8 年 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • Chief Property Officer of a PM company • Over 8 years of PM work experience