
75 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 鼓勵持續進修 Encouraging Continuous Learning 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 由於自己需要輪班工作,未必適合報讀一些長期密集式 的課程。監管局的兩小時持續進修講座讓我可於短時間 內對不同課題有初步認識,方便日後再深入鑽研。 As I work shifts, long and intensive courses may not be suitable for me. The PMSA’s two-hour CPD seminars enable me to have an initial understanding of various PM subjects within a short time and I can study deeper at a later stage. 物管業一直注重在職培訓,因從業員需不斷汲取新知識, 緊貼社會發展,提升專業水平,才能彰顯專業形象。監 管局持續專業發展計劃下的培訓活動不論是內容範疇或 是學習模式均相當多元化,物管同業應主動積極參與, 以助未來事業發展。 The PM industry places emphasis on on-the-job training as PM practitioners need to continuously acquire the latest knowledge for staying in touch with the development of the community and raise standard in order to enhance professionalism. Training activities under the PMSA CPD Scheme are diversified in terms of content and learning model. Members of the PM industry ought to actively participate in such activities in order to enhance future career development. 陳家樂先生 Mr Chan Ka Lok • 臨時物管人牌照(第 2 級)持有人 • 於物管公司任職物業主任,負責於香園圍口岸邊境管制站工作 • Provisional PM Practitioner (Tier 2) licence holder • Property Officer of a PM company in charge of work at Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point 黃寶珍女士 Ms Rosita Wong • 物管人牌照(第 1 級)持有人 • 從事物管業工作超過 30 年 • 於物管公司任職總經理 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • Over 30 years of PM work experience • General Manager of a PM company