
76 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 鼓勵持續進修 Encouraging Continuous Learning 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 監管局為配合持續專業發展計劃而推出的電子紀錄系統 相當容易使用,物管從業員記錄出席持續進修活動非常 方便,有助進行規劃持續進修。 The PMSA’s e-recording system launched to complement the CPD Scheme is easy to use and very convenient for PM practitioners to record their attendance in CPD activities, which helps PM practitioners to plan their CPD programme. 陳煒彬先生 Mr Chan Wai Pan • 物管人牌照(第 2 級)持有人 • 於酒店任職首席工程師,主要負責人力資源及設施管理工作 • PM Practitioner (Tier 2) licence holder • Chief Engineer of a hotel mainly in charge of human resources and facility management work 持續進修可改善自己的不足,並可學習跨領域的知識, 觸類旁通,融會貫通。我一直有計劃報讀保安課程增值 自己,贏取學券後打算修讀與物管法規相關的課程或是 學習語文,令自己持續進步及增值。 Continuous learning helps me address my shortcomings. I can acquire knowledge across different aspects and integrate them as they are all related. I have been planning to enrol in security related courses to further develop myself and I also plan to study courses relating to PM laws and regulations or language courses after winning the CPD voucher so that I can grow and progress continuously. 呂詩蕾女士 Ms Lui Sze Lui • 物管人牌照(第 1 級)持有人 • 負責商場管理工作 • 從事物管業工作超過 10 年 • PM Practitioner (Tier 1) licence holder • In charge of shopping mall management work • Over 10 years of PM work experience