
77 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 推動可持續發展 Promoting Sustainable Development 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance More and more investors and consumers in society nowadays evaluate a company’s value based on its performance in three areas, namely protecting environment (E), fulfilling social responsibility (S) and strengthening corporate governance (G). In fact, many PM companies in Hong Kong have already taken the initiative to promote and implement the ESG concept. They also prepare independent reports to set out the company’s ESG strategy, indicators as well as progress and dedicate themselves to continuously achieving the ESG targets every year so as to obtain the desired results. As the statutory body of the PM industry, the PMSA will take on the important responsibi l ity of initiating and promoting col laborat ions among the Government, PM industry and di f ferent sectors of the communi ty, dr iving l icensed PM companies to incorporate the ESG concept into their corporate management and operational model, so as to enhance the competitiveness of the industry and at the same time sustain the development of both the industry and our society, thereby actively contributing together to the future sustainable growth of Hong Kong. Promoting Energy Saving and Waste Reduction In Hong Kong, urbanisation has created various by-products, of which waste product ion and energy consumpt ion are common concerns. The PMSA aims that the PM industry can actively support the Government’s energy saving and waste reduction policy, helping owners’ organisations/occupants to understand, coordinate for and implement relevant measures so as to develop synergies for implementing the policy and enhancing the professional standards of PM services. 社會上愈來愈多投資者及消費者均以企 業在推動保護環境 (E-Env i ronmental ) 、 履行社會責任 ( S-Soc i a l ) 及加強企業管 治 (G-Governance) 三方面的工作表現來 衡量其價值。事實上,香港不少物管公 司均已率先推廣及實際參與落實 ESG 理 念,並編製獨立報告,羅列公司的 ESG 策略、指標及進度,並承諾每年所訂立的 ESG 目標均能夠持續落實推行,以達到預 期效果。 監管局作為物管業界的法定監管機構,肩 負牽頭和帶動的重任,協調政府、物管業 界及社區各方面各層面的資源和力量,推 動持牌物管公司將 ESG 理念融入業界企 業管理及營運模式內,以加強業界的競爭 力,同時提升整體物管業及社會可持續發 展的水平,共同為香港未來可持續發展作 出積極貢獻。 推動節能減廢 香港都市生活發展帶來不少副產品,其中 最值得大家關注留意的就是廢物量及用電 量。監管局期望物管業界能積極響應配 合政府推行的節能減廢政策,協助業主組 織╱業戶了解、協調並落實相關措施, 以產生最大的推動協同效應,減廢節能, 並提升物管服務專業水平。 推動可持續發展 Promoting Sustainable Development