
78 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 推動可持續發展 Promoting Sustainable Development 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 監管局於過去一年積極與相關政府部門 及各持份者緊密聯繫,推動建立「節約能 源、減廢回收」文化,包括於網誌發文 及致函全港物管持牌人呼籲支持環境保 護署的「私人屋苑智能廚餘回收桶試驗計 劃」,積極加強支援屋苑推行智能廚餘回 收,推動住戶培養廚餘回收的良好習慣。 另一方面,監管局亦與香港綠色建築議會 合作舉辦持續專業發展講座,為業界講解 綠色物管新趨勢,介紹物管從業員可如何 利用綠色產品和綠色建築認證令物業更加 低碳和環保。 監管局於過去一年亦訪問了多間於其管理 物業內積極推動節能減碳措施的物管公司 以分享運作經驗,包括引入智能資源管 理系統實時監察各項設施,並利用大數據 及人工智能有效管理物業能源,例如透過 自動調節照明和空調系統等,以減少能源 消耗,推動業界為香港可持續發展盡一分 力,攜手打造綠色香港。 In the past year , the PMSA had act i ve l y and c l ose l y communicated with relevant Government departments and different stakeholders in order to foster a culture of energy saving, waste reduction and recovery, through the issue of blogs and letters to all licensees in Hong Kong to appeal for them to support the Environmental Protection Department’s Pi lot Scheme on “Food Waste Smart Recycl ing Bins in Pr ivate Housing Estates”, strengthening support for the implementat ion of smart food waste recycl ing in estates and driving residents to develop good habits in food waste recycling. On the other hand, the PMSA had also organised CPD seminar jointly with the Hong Kong Green Building Council to share with the industry the latest trends in green PM, through which ways were introduced to PM practitioners to make use of green products and green building certification to reduce carbon footprint of properties and make them more environmentally friendly. The PMSA had also interviewed various PM companies in the past year which had actively adopted energy-saving and carbon reduction measures in properties managed to share their operational experiences. These included the introduction of smart resource management system to monitor facilities in real time and the use of big data and artificial intelligence to effectively manage energy usage in properties such as adjusting lighting, air conditioning, etc. automatically to reduce energy consumption, thus driving the industry to contribute to the sustainable development of Hong Kong and building together a greener territory.