
79 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 推動可持續發展 Promoting Sustainable Development 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 物管同救心 根據消防處數字顯示,香港每年有超過 1 萬宗心臟驟停個案,反映有關意外事故可 隨時隨地發生。物管業界日常為社區提供 服務,與市民大眾生活息息相關。若能積 極發揮更大的力量,加強配合及支援消防 處工作,攜手推動普及急救知識和推廣發 展救人自救文化,讓社會各階層更積極於 發生緊急事故時適當使用自動心臟除顫器 (AED) 及心肺復甦法 (CPR) 救人,營造任 何人都可於危急時出手助人救人的社會氛 圍,有效形成更強大的保護網絡,保障香 港市民生命安全,履行社會責任。 監管局於本年度與消防處合辦「物管同救 心」行動,團結力量推動物管業界率先履 行社會責任支持消防處「 AED 睇得到用得 到」計劃,並積極鼓勵物管成為「救心同 仁」的行業。逾百名物管公司的管理層人 員及物管業界團體主要成員以身作則參 與活動,在消防處代表和「任何仁」帶領 下共同體驗操作 AED 及進行心肺復甦法, 並獲消防處頒發「救心同仁」證,承諾未 來遇到心臟驟停事故時可化身成為「任何 仁」適當協助拯救生命,把握搶救生命的 黃金時間,增加受影響人士的存活機會。 Saving Hearts Together Statistics from the Fire Services Department (FSD) show that over 10,000 cardiac arrests occur each year in Hong Kong, meaning that such incidents could happen anytime anywhere. The PM industry provides services for the community on everyday basis and is an integral part of our dai ly l ife. If the industry can actively use its strength to enhance the support for FSD’s work and jointly promote common first- aid knowledge and develop a culture of “self-help and help others”, thus encouraging all in society to proactively and appropriately make use of automated external defibri l lator (AED) and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to rescue people when there is emergency, thereby creating a social atmosphere where anyone can help to save others when needed, then there could be a stronger protective network for the community which would more effectively safeguard the lives of the people of Hong Kong and fulfil social responsibility. The “Joint PM Heart-saving” operat ion co-organised by the PMSA and the FSD this year had uni ted forces in driving the PM industry to become the first to uphold social responsibi l ity in supporting the FSD’s “AED Anywhere for Anyone” programme and actively driving PM to become a “Resuscitation Alliance” industry. Led by FSD representatives and “Anyone”, over 100 PM companies’ senior executives and key members of PM industry bodies set a good example by taking part in the operation and experiencing together the use of AED and CPR. By receiving the “Resuscitation Alliance” certificate from the FSD, they pledged to become the “Anyone” to appropriately assist in life saving when encountering cardiac arrest incidents in future, so as to seize the critical timing for rescue which may increase the survival odds of those affected in the incidents.