
8 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 重要里程碑 Major Milestones 重要里程碑 Major Milestones 推出電視電台宣傳短片╱聲帶呼籲市民關注及 核實其所屬物業聘用的物管公司有否領牌。 Launched TV and Radio Announcements in the Public Interest to remind the public to pay attent ion as to whether the PM company they engage are licensed. 推出「持牌物管公司標籤」計劃以助市民識 別持牌物管公司。 Launched “licensed PM company stickers” to help the publ ic dist inguish i f a PM company is licensed. 刊憲發出《處理分判物業管理服務》及《防 止貪污事宜-員工及聘用管理》操守守則。 Gazetted and issued “Handling Outsourced Proper ty Management Serv i ces” and “Prevention of Corruption – Staff Recruitment and Management” Codes of Conduct. 五位合資格物管人牌照持有人在「持續 專業發展學券推廣計劃」下各獲得一萬 元持續專業發展學券。 Five el igible PM Pract i t ioner l icence holders received a $10,000 CPD voucher each under the “CPD Voucher Scheme”. 聯同警務處及義務工作發展局在「銀盾計 劃」下為物管人牌照持有人提供培訓成為 「銀盾先鋒」,向市民宣傳防騙知識。 Jointly offered training with the Hong Kong Police Force and the Agency for Volunteer Service for licensed PM practitioners to serve as “SILVERSHIELD ambassadors” under “Project SILVERSHIELD” to disseminate anti-deception messages to the public. 4.2023 6.2023