
80 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 推動可持續發展 Promoting Sustainable Development 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 提高市民防騙意識 近年詐騙案件數量有持續上升趨勢,情況 令人關注。有見及此,監管局加強與警方 合作,推動物管業共同提高市民防騙意識 及鼓勵積極舉報騙案。為響應警方旨在打 擊及預防騙案的「銀盾計劃」,監管局於 本年度與警方商業罪案調查科及義務工作 發展局聯合舉辦培訓講座。當日有 200 多 名義工及物管業界代表出席,並獲邀擔任 「銀盾先鋒」訓練員,透過其動員力和影 響力培訓更多「銀盾先鋒」。監管局亦就 「提高防騙意識」於網站推出專題網頁, 讓物管業從業員可定期查閱最新騙案警 示,於提供物管服務時向市民宣傳防騙知 識,以達到計劃「騙案日日新,提醒身邊 人」的目標。 Enhancing Public’s Anti-deception Awareness The number of deception cases has continued to rise in recent years which is a common concern. In response, the PMSA had strengthened cooperation with the police and drove the PM industry to raise anti-deception awareness of members of the public and encourage active reporting of deception cases. To support Project SILVERSHIELD launched by the police which aims to fight against and prevent deception cases, the PMSA held training workshop jointly with the Commercial Crime Bureau and the Agency for Volunteer Service this year. Over 200 volunteers and representatives of the PM industry joined the workshop on the day and were invited to serve as SILVERSHIELD Ambassadors, who would help influence and mobilize more SILVERSHIELD Ambassadors to be trained. The PMSA had also rolled out a thematic webpage on its website about “Enhancing Anti-deception Awareness”, such that PM practitioners may regularly check the latest scam alerts and share anti-scam information with members of the public in their provision of PM services, so as to achieve the project’s aim of “Scams are rampant – Tell everyone! ”.