
81 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 推動可持續發展 Promoting Sustainable Development 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 提供誠信物管服務 監管局與廉政公署一直緊密合作,致力推動提升 物管業界專業操守及誠信文化。監管局於本年度 於網站推出「提供誠信物管服務」專題網頁,一 站式分享監管局與廉政公署聯合為物管業界製作 的不同防貪指引和培訓資訊,包括《防止貪污事 宜》、《防止貪污事宜-員工聘用及管理》、《物 業管理公司處理代客戶收取的款項》、《處理代 客戶或安排客戶支付款項》及《代客戶進行採購 服務及防止圍標》等相關操守守則及良好作業指 南,以及旨在協助物管公司識別和緩解貪污風險 的《物業管理公司防貪指南》和羅列了物管業常 見的防貪警示及相關防貪措施的宣傳教育單張。 Delivering PM Services with Integrity The PMSA has a l l a l ong been wo r k i ng closely wi th the Independent Commission Against Cor rupt ion ( ICAC) to elevate the ethical standard of and maintain a culture of integrity within the PM industry. The PMSA had l aunched t he “De l i ve r i ng I n t eg r i t y ” thematic webpage on its website this year, a commonplace for sharing various guidelines and training materials on corruption prevention for the PM industry joint ly publ ished wi th the ICAC, including Codes of Conduct and relevant Best Practice Guides Prevention of Corruption , Prevention of Corruption – Staff Recru i tment and Management , Hand l i ng Moneys Received on behal f of Cl ients by Property Management Companies , Handling Payment for or Arranging Payment to be Made by Clients and Carrying out Procurement for Clients and Prevention of Bid-rigging , etc., as well as the Corruption Prevention Guide for Property Management Companies which helps PM companies identify and mitigate corruption r i sks , and educa t i ona l and promot i ona l pamphlets which set out common red flags in PM and relevant preventive measures.