
82 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 推動可持續發展 Promoting Sustainable Development 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 物管創新科技 監管局積極鼓勵物管業於日常工作中廣泛 採用創新科技,全方位落實物管智能化, 以推動服務水平更上一層樓。 • 機械人世代 為 響 應 香 港 科 技 園 公 司 推 出 的 「 Robots Everywhere 」計劃,監管 局邀請了 60 多名物管業界代表參與 計劃的展示日,親身體驗由機械人 提供的物管服務。隨著香港有更多 實際場景支持採用智能物管的研發 產品,可以預見未來物管科技的應 用選擇會不斷增加,業界亦會更願 意採用創新科技包括機械人技術以 提升服務質素水平。 Adopting PM Innovative Technology The PMSA encourages the PM industry to widely adopt innovative technology in its everyday work and implement smart systems in PM comprehensively so as to raise service standard. • Robotic generation To suppor t the “Robots Everywhere” Programme launched by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporat ion, the PMSA inv i ted over 60 PM industry representatives to participate in the open day of the programme for them to experience first-hand PM services provided by robots. As Hong Kong would have more venues which support the adoption of smart PM technologies, it is foreseeable that the options for PM technology application will keep growing in future, and the industry will also be more willing to make use of innovative technology including robotic technology to enhance service quality. 活動當日展示由機械人提供的物管服務,包括停車場巡邏機械人(左)及清潔機械人(右)。 PM services provided by robots were showcased on the day of the activity, including car park patrol robot (left) and cleansing robot (right).