
83 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 推動可持續發展 Promoting Sustainable Development 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance • 物管科技 監管局於本年度亦推出了「智能物 管」專題影片特輯,介紹物管業界應 用的創新物管科技,包括智能保安 巡邏系統、車牌辨識系統、屋苑自 助管理系統、機械人住宅管理、智 能商場、智能辦公室、智能舊樓管 理等。 • PM technologies The PMSA had rolled out this year a video series under the theme of “Smart PM” which introduced the PM industry’s adopt ion of innovat ive PM technologies, including smart security patrol system, car licence plate recogni t ion system, estate sel f-served management system, robotic residence management, smart shopping malls, smart office, smart old-building management, etc. 另外,監管局亦專訪了理工大學建 築環境及能源工程學系博士生及其 團隊研發的智能消防應急系統,運 用創新科技加強物業的消防安全及 解決逃生問題 ,將創新科技融入物 業管理的防火工作中,幫助業界為 市民締造更安全的物業環境。 In addition, the PMSA also interviewed PhD candidate of the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the team on the smart fire emergency system developed. The system uses innovative technology to enhance fire safety in properties and resolve escape issues, creating a safer property environment by incorporating innovative technology into fire safety work under PM.