
85 Annual Report 2023-24 Property Management Services Authority 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication with Stakeholders 財務報告 Financial Report 年度回顧 Review of the Year 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication 機構管治 Corporate Governance 為配合推動實施物管業發牌制度及向公眾 提供相關服務,監管局積極採取多元渠 道,向不同持份者廣泛推廣監管局工作及 解釋發牌制度細節,並適時對外發佈最新 資訊。 參與第三屆國際物業管理及採購 博覽 年度物管業界盛事第三屆國際物業管理 及採購博覽(博覽會)於 2023 年 8 月 30 日 至 9 月 1 日一連三天假香港會議展覽中心 舉行。由於博覽會是發牌制度過渡期完結 後舉辦的首個大型物管業界活動,監管局 藉此機會以「抱擁物管新世代」為主題, 就香港物管業順利落實發牌制度於博覽會 設置展位及舉辦大型紀念典禮,以進一步 向各持份者展示香港物管業在發牌制度下 貫徹「服務優質」、「行事持正」及「與時並 進」三大核心價值,朝優質化專業化向前 發展。 監管局主席黃江天博士除在博覽會開幕典 禮上就主題「提升樓宇管理水平,釋放物 業真正價值」致辭外,並聯同環境及生態 局局長謝展寰先生、民政事務總署副署長 易志宏先生、立法會議員謝偉銓先生(前 監管局主席)、監管局一眾成員,以及博 覽會主辦機構和支持單位代表為監管局的 展位主持剪綵開幕儀式。 To tie in with driving the implementation of the licensing regime and the provision of related services to the public, the PMSA had actively disseminated information to different stakeholders through various channels during the year, with a view to enhancing public understanding of the latest development of the PMSA and the licensing regime. Participating in Third International Property Management & Procurement Expo The third International Property Management and Procurement Expo (Expo), the annual major event of the PM industry in Hong Kong, was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre for three consecutive days from 30 August to 1 September 2023. Since the Expo was the first large-scale event of the PM industry after the ending of transitional period of the PM licensing regime, the PMSA had set up in the Expo an exhibition booth and held a major ceremony to commemorate the smooth transition of the PM industry through the licensing regime under the theme of “Embracing the New Era for Property Management”, and showcasing the development of the PM industry in Hong Kong towards enhanced qual ity and professional ism through encompassing the three core values “Quality”, “Integrity” and “Advancement” under the licensing regime. The PMSA Chairperson Dr James WONG delivered a speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Expo under the theme of ‘Releasing Property Value by Raising Property Management Service Standard’. He also joined Mr TSE Chin Wan, Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr TE Chi Wang, Deputy Director of Home Affairs, Hon Tony TSE, member of the Legislative Council (former Chairperson of the PMSA), members of the PMSA, as well as the organiser of the Expo and representatives of the supporting organisations to officiate the ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the opening of the PMSA exhibition booth.