
86 物業管理業監管局 2023-24 周年報告 積極溝通聯繫 Active Communication with Stakeholders 行政總裁報告 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 年度概覽 Highlights of the Year 主席的話 Chairperson’s Message 加強粵港澳大灣區物管業界交流 Strengthening Exchange among PM Industry in Greater Bay Area 10.10.2023 與廣東省粵港澳大灣區物業及設施管理聯合會代表會面。 Conduc t ed exchange wi t h r epr esen t a t i ves o f t he Guangdong Pr ope r t y and Fac i l i t i es Managemen t Association of the Greater Bay Area. 13.10.2023 監管局副主席許智文教授率領由監管局成員、監管局認可專業團體及物管業組織代表組成的代表團,出席 參與內地最具影響力及規模的物管業展覽、共有超過 200 家內地及國際品牌企業參展的深圳 2023 中國國 際物業管理產業博覽會(物博會)。許智文教授亦獲深圳市住房及建設局邀請,於物博會的「粵港澳大灣區 物業創新發展論壇」上作專題演講。監管局亦於物博會期間在「粵港澳大灣區物業特色館」設置展位,介紹 香港物管業發牌制度及監管局工作,藉此重點展示香港物管業自 2023 年 8 月 1 日起,即物管業發牌制度三 年過渡期完結後,已踏入相關物管公司及從業員均須持牌,朝向專業化發展的全新世代。 監管局代表團此行亦有到訪深圳市住房及建設局,與局領導朱文芳女士及其團隊會面交流,而民政事務總 署代表亦有參與。 Vice Chairperson of the PMSA Prof. Eddie Hui led a delegation consisting of PMSA members, representatives of the PMSA Recognised Professional Bodies and PM industry bodies to participate in the 2023 China International Property Management Industry Expo (China Expo) in Shenzhen, which was the largest and most influential PM industry exhibition in the Mainland with participation from over 200 Mainland and international brands and corporations. Prof. Eddie Hui was invited by the Housing and Construction Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality to deliver speech at the Property Management Innovation and Development Forum of the Expo. The PMSA also set up an exhibition booth in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) zone of the Expo to introduce the PM industry licensing regime in Hong Kong and the work of the PMSA, highlighting that the PM industry of Hong Kong has entered into a new era whereby all relevant PM companies and practitioners are licensed and are advancing towards enhanced professionalism since the completion of the three-year transitional period of the PM industry licensing regime as from 1 August 2023. The PMSA delegat ion also visi ted the Ho u s i n g a n d Co n s t r u c t i o n Bu r e a u of Shenzhen Mun i c i pa l i t y to conduct exchange with Bureau Leader Ms ZHU Wenfang and her team. Representatives of the Home Af fa i rs Depar tment also participated in the exchange.